Article I – Name
The name of this organization shall be Washington Educators of Business and Marketing, hereafter referred to as WE-BAM. It is an affiliate of the National Business Education Association (NBEA) and the Western Business Education Association (WBEA).
Article II – Purpose
Section 1 - Purpose
WE-BAM is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, and scientific purposes under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
Section 2 - Mission
The mission of WE-BAM is to:
Section 1 - Eligibility
Membership shall be open to individuals in the following classes:
These members are individuals who are presently engaged with business and marketing education. Members may include educators, administrators, business professionals, and individuals contributing to the growth and development of WE-BAM.
These members are individuals who were previously engaged with business and marketing education. Members may include retired educators, administrators, business professionals, and individuals who contributed to the growth and development of WE-BAM who would like to continue support and developing business and marketing education.
These members are individuals who are present business and marketing education students at the post-secondary level.
Section 3 - Dues
Section 1 – Board Members
The following positions, in addition to the elected officers, will comprise the WE-BAM Executive Board:
Section 3 – Meetings
The WE-BAM Executive Board shall meet at least one time a year via regular and/or electronic meeting.
Section 4 – Vacancy
Vacancies on the Executive Board shall be filled by appointment via the WE-BAM President, subject to a majority approval from the Executive Board.
Section 5 – Salary
No board members shall receive salaries for their board services, but may be reimbursed for the expenses related to the board services in accordance with the expense reimbursement policy.
Section 6 – Quorum
A quorum shall be a minimum of five WE-BAM Executive Board members, at least two of which must be the elected officers of the organization. No board member will hold more than one voting position.
Article V – Officers
Section 1 – Elections of Officers
The fiscal year of the association shall be July 1 to June 30.
Article VIII – Dissolution
Upon the dissolution of this organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code; or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose.
Article IX – Amendments
The bylaws may be amended with a two thirds majority vote of the present Executive Board members. Notice of a proposed bylaw amendment will be given at least 10 days prior to the meeting.
The name of this organization shall be Washington Educators of Business and Marketing, hereafter referred to as WE-BAM. It is an affiliate of the National Business Education Association (NBEA) and the Western Business Education Association (WBEA).
Article II – Purpose
Section 1 - Purpose
WE-BAM is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, and scientific purposes under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
Section 2 - Mission
The mission of WE-BAM is to:
- Promote business and marketing education through membership growth and retention of members in a professional organization
- Promote business and marketing education through communications with educators and organizations in the general public
- Promote and provide curriculum development and professional growth through professional development opportunities for business and marketing educators
- Promote and support the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), Phi Beta Lambda (PBL), DECA, and Delta Epsilon Chi (DEC) as the state student leadership organizations
Section 1 - Eligibility
- WE-BAM membership shall consist of members who are interested in business, marketing, and/or education.
- All members will be affiliated with a division within WE-BAM. Members will select the division to be affiliated with and are as follows:
- Western Area
- Central Area
- Eastern Area
Membership shall be open to individuals in the following classes:
These members are individuals who are presently engaged with business and marketing education. Members may include educators, administrators, business professionals, and individuals contributing to the growth and development of WE-BAM.
These members are individuals who were previously engaged with business and marketing education. Members may include retired educators, administrators, business professionals, and individuals who contributed to the growth and development of WE-BAM who would like to continue support and developing business and marketing education.
These members are individuals who are present business and marketing education students at the post-secondary level.
Section 3 - Dues
- Professional membership dues shall be $35 annually and shall be effective for the fiscal year in which the membership is processed.
- Student and Retired memberships shall be given complimentary and shall be effective for the fiscal year in which the membership is processed.
Section 1 – Board Members
The following positions, in addition to the elected officers, will comprise the WE-BAM Executive Board:
- Awards and Scholarships Director
- Business and Marketing Teacher Education Program Representative(s)
- DECA Representative to the WE-BAM Executive Board
- FBLA-PBL Representative to the WE-BAM Executive Board
- Legislative Representative
- Membership Director
- NBEA Representative (if applicable)
- Professional Development Director
- Public Relations Director
- OSPI Business and Marketing Pathway Program Supervisor
- Representative to the Washington State FBLA Executive Board
- Representative to the Washington State DECA Executive Board (3)
- WA-ACTE Representative
- WBEA Representative (if applicable)
- The length of term, voting rights, and election/appointment are as follows for the Executive Board:
- Awards and Scholarships Director
- Membership Director
- Legislative Representative
- Professional Development Director
- Public Relations Director
- WA-ACTE Representative
- Representative to the Washington State FBLA Executive Board
- Representative to the Washington State DECA Executive Board (3)
- Business and Marketing Teacher Education Program Representative(s) will be named by the respective post-secondary education preparatory programs.
- DECA Representative to the WE-BAM Executive Board will be appointed by Washington DECA.
- FBLA-PBL Representative to the WE-BAM Executive Board will be appointed by the Washington State Future Business Leaders of America.
- WBEA Representative will be the highest-ranking WE-BAM member on the Western Business Education Association Executive Board.
- NBEA Representative will be the highest-ranking WE-BAM member on the National Business Education Association Executive Board.
- OSPI Business and Marketing Pathway Program Supervisor will be named by the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Section 3 – Meetings
The WE-BAM Executive Board shall meet at least one time a year via regular and/or electronic meeting.
Section 4 – Vacancy
Vacancies on the Executive Board shall be filled by appointment via the WE-BAM President, subject to a majority approval from the Executive Board.
Section 5 – Salary
No board members shall receive salaries for their board services, but may be reimbursed for the expenses related to the board services in accordance with the expense reimbursement policy.
Section 6 – Quorum
A quorum shall be a minimum of five WE-BAM Executive Board members, at least two of which must be the elected officers of the organization. No board member will hold more than one voting position.
Article V – Officers
Section 1 – Elections of Officers
- The elected officers shall be President, President-Elect, Past President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
- Officers shall be elected at the annual membership meeting; they shall assume their duties on July 1 and shall serve for through the fiscal year.
- The term of the President, President-Elect, and Past President shall be for a period of one year.The term of the Secretary and Treasurer shall be for a period of two years.
- President: The President shall perform the duties common to the office, preside at all Executive Board meetings, preside at the annual membership meeting, and assume any other duties assigned to such an officer.
- President-Elect: The President-Elect shall perform the duties of the President if a vacancy or absence occurs, serve as chairperson of the Washington State Business and Marketing annual conference, and assist the President. The President-Elect shall be the nominee for the office of President.
- Past-President: The Past-President shall serve as a general advisor to the President, other officers, and the association. The Past-President will also be responsible for updating and maintaining the Bylaws and the Executive Board Policy and Procedures on behalf of the association.
- Secretary: The Secretary shall prepare minutes of each meeting of the Executive Board and distribute a copy to each Executive Board member. The Secretary shall keep the official copy of the Bylaws and the Executive Board Policy and Procedures and shall have them available at all meetings of the Executive Board.
- Treasurer: The Treasurer shall receive and disburse the funds of the association. A Treasurer's Report shall be given at all Executive Board meetings and the annual General Membership meeting. The Treasurer shall keep and preserve proper books of accounts, which shall be open to inspection by the members of the Executive Board. The books shall be subject to an audit every year and prior to the time of a newly elected Treasurer takes office. The Treasurer will file Form 990 with the Internal Revenue Service, and Nonprofit Corporation report to the Washington Secretary of State annually.
- If a vacancy occurs in the office of the President, the President-Elect shall fill the office of the President.
- If a vacancy occurs in the office of the President-Elect, a current member who has served at least one year on the Executive Board shall be appointed by the President, with majority approval of the Executive Board, to serve the remainder of the term.
- If a vacancy occurs in the office of Secretary or Treasurer, a current member shall be appointed by the President, with approval of the Executive Board, to serve the remainder of the term.
- An officer who does not perform the duties of the office or as assigned shall be notified in writing by the President that the removal proceedings will be held at the next Executive Board meeting. A majority vote of the Executive Board is required to effectively remove the officer from the Executive Board.
- In the event the officer to be removed should be the President, the notification shall be made in writing to the Past President by a current Executive Board member. A two-thirds majority vote of the Executive Board is required to effectively remove the President from office. The President-Elect shall then assume the office of the President.
- The President may appoint special committees as necessary to carry out the purpose of the association.
- The Nominations Committee shall be appointed by the President. The committee will submit a slate of nominees for President-Elect, President, Secretary, and Treasurer at the Executive Board meeting prior to the annual membership meeting based on the corresponding election year. The report from the Nominations Committee shall be given to the general membership, at which time additional nominations may be made.
- The Financial Review Committee shall be appointed by the President. Signed copies of the review shall be submitted to the President, Secretary, and Treasurer by the February Executive Board meeting.
- The Professional Development Committee shall coordinate, plan, and provide in-service opportunities and workshops for members.
The fiscal year of the association shall be July 1 to June 30.
Article VIII – Dissolution
Upon the dissolution of this organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code; or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose.
Article IX – Amendments
The bylaws may be amended with a two thirds majority vote of the present Executive Board members. Notice of a proposed bylaw amendment will be given at least 10 days prior to the meeting.